Globalists Are Using Puppet Churches to Enslave Humanity by Fr. Zechariah Lynch via Russia-Insider
In America, we have a convenient delusion that is maintained through various means. This delusion is the “separation of church and state.”
On the contrary, the U.S. Government is most willing to utilize “religion” for the propagation of its agenda. In fact, it is, I believe, not a stretch to posit that the current global agenda is extremely religious in nature. It is not at all anti-religious, it is, although, completely anti-christian. (Those who advocate for “separation of church and state” in America are the very ones involving the church and state in other countries. The tactics are two sides of the same coin.)

A new global mind and narrative must emerge. For this to happen the “old” mind must be eradicated – Christianity, specifically Orthodoxy. I recommend Jay Dyer on this topic. He has done extensive and well-researched work on the topic. One may find talks on this topic at his web site, here is one for starters.
It is vital to understand that the current system is very interested in religion and the control thereof. The current anti-christian fruit in Rome is a manifestation of this agenda. De-christianized Christianity.
So it is not surprising at all when tremors begin to emerge that Joe Biden and others in the US government are at current putting pressure on the Patriarch of Jerusalem to recognize the false and schismatic group in Ukraine.
This also helps to create a context for the “recognition” of this group by the Church of Greece and the Alexandrian Patriarchate.
Joe Biden and his compadres have been active in Ukraine on various levels for many years now. The current “scandal” in the American presstitute revolving around Ukraine is but a desperate attempt to distract from the reality that Biden, while serving under Obama, was involved in criminal looting of an already impoverished country for his own personal gain. This is not surprising. I was reading about this years ago. Here is an article from 2014 addressing US looting of Ukraine. Here is another.
Now the perceptive person will begin to connect the dots. Biden is also very connected to the Ecumenical Patriarch. He received the Athenagoras “human rights” award from the EP and Greek Archdiocese of America.
Early on in the process of carving out a globalist religious group in Ukraine, Biden met with Philaret (then leader of the schismatics who has since been discarded) and voiced his support for the schismatic group. Coincidence? I think not.